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How to get your family's Christmas Budget & Plan in place in an hour

While the season is filled with joy and festivities, it can also bring stress, especially when it comes to budgeting for your family Christmas. But don't fret! With a little focused effort, you can plan a memorable celebration without spending every last penny. In fact, I'm going to show you how to create & get your family's Christmas budget & a have plan in place in just one hour.

Raise your hand if you often say, "Sod it, let's just have it" and worry about it in January ... Yep that used to be me.

I want a Christmas that is as fun & loving, as it is peaceful & beautiful. I want the gorgeous home straight out of Neptune, the instagrammable tablescapes, candles, Clove, Cinamon & Orange oil burning away alongside champagne corks popping & a snuggly log fire.

But - it might not all be totally possible so what can I do that creates all the feels?

In just one hour, I'll show you how to create a budget that keeps the holiday spirit alive without breaking the bank!

Tip #1 - How much do you want to spend?

We are on average in the UK likely to spend between £690 and £970 this Christmas! *

This is on top of ordinary spending so for example if you tend to spend £500 a month on food, cleaning, petcare etc at the Supermarket this is extra.

How much have you saved to use this season? Nothing? Right, set up a good interest-rate savings account with your current bank, it's quick & easy, now put £10 in it. Or more if you can. Set up an amount on Direct Debit each month so that NEXT year you've got a decent pot to piss in. (Too much?)

So if you'd love £700 next year you can put £50 away each month from now & you'll pretty much have it.

So, make a decision right now, how much do you want to spend?

Tip #2 - Make a list of what's most important

  1. Visiting family, winter walks & games together

  2. Food & drinks - ingredients for 3 winter cocktails you can offer

  3. Movies & cuddles with hot chocolates in pyjamas with a roaring log burner

  4. Meaningful gifts that each person can treasure & love

  5. A clean, organised home that smells amazing, fairy lights & candles & has lots of nature in it such as homemade wreaths & pots of winter herbs.

That's my list of wholesomeness, what's yours?

"When we remember a special Christmas, it is not the presents that made it special, but the laughter, the feeling of love, and the togetherness of friends and family that made that Christmas special." – Catherine Pulsifer

Tip #3 - Get your family calendar

Who's doing what & when?

Work parties, kids nativities, end of term, drinks with the girls, days off, late shifts, & all the things.

Digital Calendar or printed & stuck on the fridge for optimum visibility?

Now what do you want to make?

Christmas food gifts?

Christmas Puddings & sausage rolls?

When will you do this? Put it on the calendar.

When are you going gift shopping?

Mixing it up between online Black Friday deals & real shops - for a more seasonal feeling.

Don't forget the small independent shops - our UK creators need your business and you'll get some uniquely gorgeous things.

If you're stuck here's a lovely digital magazine - pages 12-16 you'll find yours truly with some more tips!

Tip #4 - Assign your Budget into smaller chunks

Using your list as your guide for priorities, how are you going to spend your overall budget?

So using £700 as a guide it might be:

1. Food & goodies - £200 (on top of your normal budget)

2. Gifts - £400

3. Days out - £50

4. What's leftover for bits & bobs? - £50

Money simply does not stretch as far this year so you will get less than you're used to.

Just keep in mind your list of wholesomeness as these are your priorities.

Set up a way to track what you're spending for Christmas. Notes on your phone will do, or make a paper list.

If you fancy a mini spreadsheet that adds it all up for you as you go along you'll love love love this!!

It also comes with a nice list maker so it gives you a head start if you're feeling blank:

Tip #5 - Your Team Gameplan

You've got your calendar so you know who's doing what & when

You've got your overall budget broken down into smaller chunks

You've set up a savings account for next year

Now, with the time you know you've got off this year, a few days or a couple of weeks, how do you want to spend your time?

How are you going to SHARE the preparations?

Chatting with your family over dinner will enable you to all choose what they're doing to make this year simply perfect.

Create your "Team Christmas Gameplan" will make it fun, and get the jobs done without it falling on your shoulders like it does every year!

Enjoy your Christmas season as it is the grand opening to Winter.

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Thank you, until next time,

Love from

Lucy x

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