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Your Money Makeover: 10 proven steps to building a strong personal finance foundation

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

Money, matters.

It's a fact of life that can't be ignored. Whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or looking to revamp your financial habits, a money makeover can be the key to securing your financial present & future.

In this blog, we'll explore 10 steps that you just might not have read about before, to help you build a strong personal financial foundation.

This is also available as a workbook and an action plan so that you can start to change your thinking - so refreshing! Once your thoughts are on a different path, your actions will follow.

Grab your workbook: it looks like this ⬇️

Ok are you ready for the short version?

  1. What are you working towards

  2. Create 12 months visibility

  3. Include Flexibility

  4. Adapt to the ever changing economy

  5. Build a safety net

  6. Consider your relationship with money

  7. Budgeting & planning for your expensive seasons

  8. Your close relationships with each other & money

  9. Simplicity

  10. Be in control, mid-month, all month.

Slightly longer version:

  1. What's important to you in the near or distant future that you are aiming for? Have you already dismissed it thinking it's only a pipe dream? Or have you not even thought about what you really want? Write it down & make it plain. I'm serious! Get a notebook, write it ALLLLLLLL down. What are your priorities? Highlight them or make a fresh list: This Autumn: or This Year

  2. Having an overview, literally standing up & looking at your expected incomings & outgoings on a big A3 month by month gives you a powerful advantage. When you can see zoomed out, you can see the future... OK maybe more of a periscope rather than a crystal ball but still. NOW you can zoom back in with better clarity.

  3. Budgets don't work, something always crops up & goes wrong. This is true. If you make them so tight you can hardly breathe then yes, just like an overstuffed diary full of meetings & calls, you need white space. How often do things go wrong, truly? And what kind of things, how much do you end up overspending because of this? Now you know this, you're already ahead of the game, you're creating a game plan my friend. A budget IS a game plan. A strategy. Call it whatever you like.

  4. The global economy changes. Fact. Do you have any control over this? No. Do you have control over your home economy? Yes. Do you watch & read or listen to enough news, so that you understand what is happening with the cost of living aka your home economy? When you hear that mortgages are going up, it's your cue to ask how that is going to impact you, when & by how much so that you PLAN for what this will do to your personal finances. Sleepwalking through completely unaware is not going to make you a good personal finance manager and you will continue to wonder where all your money goes & be scared for what retirement looks like. Don't be that person! I don't necessarily want to "adult" either but this is what we have signed up for, what is the alternative?

  5. A Rainy Day fund - I mean I live in the UK & it rains a lot, but when life hits you in the solar plexus, having a bit of money to prop you up can take enormous pressure off you. How much? Try to put your first £100 in. Then £1000. Then build, over time to cover 6 months worth of your essential outgoings. Want to look into investments so that you can start to seriously grow your net worth? You'll need this level of an Emergency Fund - any good Financial Advisor will tell you the same.

  6. Your relationship with money sits at the root of all of this. How would you describe yours? What do you want to change? What do you NEED to change? How can you go about this? Start with some free podcasts, email me if you'd like some personal recommendations:

  7. Christmas, birthdays etc etc they all cost us a lot of money & dot around the year. These months can have us feeling super lean with funds and maybe the credit card gets another outing? What if, you could have enough savings to prepay for all of these events? So your monthly budgets throughout the year are more consistent than feast & famine? They can... These savings accounts are often referred to as Sinking Funds. You can read more about these with my suggestions below.

  8. Oh boy, couples & finances. If you're in a relationship where money is your biggest issue you're not alone. Where are you on the scale of the issue? If 1 = don't even talk about money, 5 = having disagreements to 10 being full-scale rows or even financial abuse? Take a read of this page: Couples Money Management

  9. Keeping things simple is the single best advice I can give you. But, even a simple sponge cake needs to have eggs broken & mixed with flour butter & sugar. Do you overcomplicate your money or is it genuinely complex? I can help!

  10. If you are the passenger in a learner car, with no dual controls, the ride is hair raising! You'll be reaching your foot out for the break, cranking your neck looking around you & probably swearing. If you want to be in control of your finances, you've gotta get behind the wheel my friend. And that is as simple as it gets. I can take you for driving lessons but you've got to practice the skills.

Ok, grab your free workbook above if you haven't already PLUS if you want me to teach you one on one (over zoom or google meet) you can see what you're going to get for your money here:

Budgeting is more than maths! It supports you to create your life by design.

Until next time, love from

Lucy x


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